Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Job

So, on the news front, I officially have a new job.  It's only for a week, but I'm really excited for several reasons:

a) I have a reason to get up and leave my house every morning.

b) the job is as a production assistant at a Disney Channel show (I think it's on a pilot they're producing, but I'm not 100% certain), which is going to be SO DIFFERENT from the lit department at The Public.  Not that I didn't love the lit department, but I'm really excited to try something new.

c) It's in the offices of "The Suite Life on Deck," where I spent a week observing the daily life this summer (my cousin is a writer on it) so I actually know some people in advance, which will help with first day anxiety.

I mean, (b) kinda trumps (a) and (c), but yeah.  I'm very happy with this development.

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