Day off!!
Today I went to the American Museum of Natural History (which ALWAYS feels awkward to refer to it as, so from now on I'm just going with "The Natural History Museum") and it was a nice day. It's such an icon of my childhood (hence the Holden Caulfield reference) and I always love being there. I took my camera in order to attempt some worthwhile photography, but I didn't really do anything I'm particularly proud of. It was my first time taking the camera out during this NYC adventure though so it was still good. So I'm gonna post some pictures and some funny stories from the day and I probably won't update for a little while after this since I anticipate nothing very exciting happening in the near future.
I bought some books at the museum - a guide to shopping and activities in NYC for cheap, and then 1000 places to see before you die both for the whole world and then the US/Canada. I'm gonna use those to help figure out some travel stuff I can do during free time this year, depending on my work schedule and all that.
Go away mean one! Go away!
This was going to be the title of this post. It's basically referring to just liquid lava in a continuous flow vs. massive eruption, but I couldn't help thinking about a volcano just gushing about how excited it was.
I was fascinated by this eel. It's hanging in the hall of biodiversity right outside where you can take the elevator down in the room with the giant blue whale. It looked cooler in the museum lighting but I couldn't get a stable image without using the flash.
Who doesn't love the giant tree??
After lunch at the museum cafeteria (yay dino chicken nuggets!!), I went to this little area in the hall of gems and minerals, which is one of my favorite places in the museum but which I always seem to get lost trying to find (it's tucked away in a corner). I sat there for a while and then took some pictures, but I kept trying to take pics of all the little kids running around (it's designed kinda like an awesome little playground but the security guards are really harsh - I remember that very clearly from my youth.) But I left after a bit because I think the guard might have thought I was a pedophile.
I sorta stalked these little kids around the hall. That's really creepy, I know that, but they were cute with their camera and stuff. But I couldn't get a good shot so I just put up this one because it's the first one I have of them.
This is just to illustrate how it's so hard for me to get good shots of strangers. Ugh why am I so very very awkward?
precious pinnipeds!!
This happened as I was walking by this:
Little Boy: "Mommy, the one with the longer nipples is the girl, and the one with the longer..."
(I was in motion when I heard this so I didn't hear the rest, but I'm sure you can fill it in just as well as I can.)
Friendly Turtle!
Angry Turtle!
This dino looks so confused
I just love this thing.
I capped off the day with a visit to the Rose Space Center. It was pretty cool.
So yeah, I'd say I had a pretty good day. Blech, more scanning tomorrow though. But I'm seeing "Boeing Boeing" tomorrow night and then I'm going home Friday night for the weekend so this was a pretty good week all in all. Much better than last week!
Sorry some stuff is randomly underlined -- I don't really know what's going on there. The blog stuff is being kind of weird because of the pictures.
1 comment:
I played with you in that gem room! And I think we were reprimanded by the security guards. You must have been about 2 or 3. I also took you to the cafeteria for dino nuggets. Alex & I will be in NYC the week after next - maybe we'll have to repeat the experience for the next generation.
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