So, The Public did a competition with a theater in Florida for who could drink the most cups of free Starbucks coffee on election day. Alas, we lost 43 to 44 (although it was very symbolic that they had 44 when we elected the 44th President)

I first went to Times Square, because my mom had told me there was viewing going on there. Half was sponsored by ABC (the south half) and half by CNN (the north half, which is shown in the picture above. Please also note Santa Claus). There were a ton of people there, and, since it IS New York after all, a TON of Obama support in the crowds.

These kids (and one more kid and some adult supervisors) were giving out Obama Victory Mix-CDs -- and this was at like 8pm eastern time!

There were a lot of guys out selling Obama/McCain/Palin condoms (as I noted on Facebook, clearly no one wants Joe Biden on their penis). Each set of guys or individual guy was selling them at a different price though...

One guy in Times Square (no one in the picture above, this is a different story) came up to me trying to give me a postcard ad thing. Then he started hitting on me, and then he tried to sell me weed. I tried to get a picture of him but he made me uncomfortable so I didn't stick around for too long trying to get a good shot. The picture wasn't very good so I didn't put it up here, but the guy was pretty sketch.

There were also premature Obama victory stickers all over the place.

Outside of Fox they were taping election coverage, and I ran into it on my way to Rockefeller Center.

Rockefeller Center was the home of the MSNBC election plaza, and it was AMAZING.

I saw this guy and he looked pretty familiar so I started taking picture of him, and then it hit me that he was named Casey and I'd met him at that cocktail party for the New Musical Festival I went to a few weeks back. So I went up to him and he kinda-sorta remembered me and it was nice and awkie so I went away.

They had a map on the ice rink and they would paint in the states red or blue when they were called for McCain or Obama. I could barely see it, but I did manage to get this shot of the east coast. I thought this was amazing, though.

They had these ribbon-looking bolts of cloth hung from placards that said "Obama" and "McCain" and then signs saying "270" on each side of the building. As electoral votes were called for either candidate, the fabric thingy would move up in proportion. Obama's got HUGE cheers for upward movement, while McCain's got tepid cheers mixed with boos.

Next I took a cab to Union Square, where people were having a drum circle/parachute party under a giant American flag. It was awesome. I went up to a Filene's that overlooks the square to get this shot. Then I went to my friend Madeleine's dorm room at NYU to watch more results come in with her, her roommates, and her friends (all democratically inclined, of course). We were anxiously awaiting 11:00 eastern, and when it came:

Obama is announced the winner on MSNBC!!!

Much celebration occurred...

...and Madeleine was moved so much she teared up a little, as did many around the world. It was a really emotional campaign and a really great moment in history, so I understand how many people would be moved to tears. After McCain's very gracious concession speech and Obama's characteristically eloquent acceptance, Madeleine & co. went to bed from what I understand, while I went out to Union Square again to join the celebration.

It was basically a riot, except everyone was really happy so I don't know what the good word that implies the same level of emotional gathering as a riot is...

People were using all kinds of things to make noise, and chanting "YES WE CAN/YES WE DID," "USA, USA," and singing the national anthem. My friend Siena got a little emotional telling me about chanting "USA" with Obama supporters at Harvard after the win, saying that she was so moved being able to finally chant the name of her country with true pride.

There was a LOT of American-flag apparel and OBAMA supportive clothing and banners, of course.

And people (and puppies!) were being lifted above the crowd of revelers!

Some guys started climbing on lampposts and knocked one down...

Then this guy went up there (his near foot is resting on the bar from which the above broken lamp fell), waving the American Flag in our very own "Les Mis" moment... until the cops got concerned... (see the lamp on the left of the picture that's about to fall? That was the concern, as well as messing around with private property)
1 comment:
your blog is pretty fucking fabulous.
just like you.
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