Honestly, as excited as I am about President Obama, I can't help but feel intense anger right now because of the anti-gay sentiments expressed by voters in various states, especially in California. California, Florida, and Arizona now all have explicit anti-gay-marriage laws and state constitutional amendments in place, which sickens me. What sickens me even more is that in Arkansas a ballot measure was passed that banned gay couples from adopting children. What the fuck?!
The Florida and Arizona measures were up this year (update on previous info I had here), and both have passed by wide margins (wider in FL), and someone I'm close with voted in favor of it in Florida which saddens me. If she's reading this now I know she probably doesn't appreciate that comment, but I'm OK with that since moral issues are an important part of a personal relationship and I feel very strongly about this.
I don't yet know of anyone I'm friends with in California who voted in favor of Prop 8, and I hope I don't find any. The first wedding I ever attended (only so far) was between two women who had been together for 30 years (longer than my own parents!) and have two daughters that are great friends of my sister. I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but I actually teared up a little bit when their friends told the story of the 30-year relationship and the road to this ceremony. It was really beautiful and I'm so glad that was my first wedding, even though it no longer counts as legal.
And in response to all those people who have decided that gay marriage ruins the sanctity of marriage, I think we should have a boycott of the institution of marriage in a protest against denying gay rights. I know few people will follow through on this (if this is still an issue when I want to get married, which at least certainly won't be during Obama's first term, I don't know if even I'll be able to follow through on it, but hopefully I will), but I think if even in the short-term the number of marriages went down at least noticeably if not significantly it would be a great protest.
16 years ago
fuck are you seriousssss?? i can't believe it passed! that's disgusting! omfg i'm so mad. i thought california was better than that. statistically how can that be possible?? with la and san francisco i thought that there were enough gay people to carry the vote themselves haha. uhh that makes me really sad. 100% agree with you annie.
LA apparently voted 50/50 (eek!), although they haven't finished counting about 2 or 3 million absentee ballots, and they're about 500,000 apart (yes/no), so MAYBE the absentee ballots will tip it the other way. Not the most likely scenario, but a girl can dream, right?
yeah, fuck prop 8. if it helps, most propositions get more voting support than they actually have, people voting yes because they don't really know what it does and want to vote "Yes" on things. So maybe only 40% are anti-gay assholes.
(nope, doesn't really help...)
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