So basically, I hate it here. Never have a felt more alone or like more of an outsider. It's so weird to read about my friends in all these very foreign places and having amazing times and feeling great and then think about myself, close-ish to home, and at least in the same country, feeling completely foreign in this city. I've been here a month (4 weeks, not a calendar month) and it feels almost worse than when I first got here. I though it'd get better, that I'd adjust, and that's just not the case. But I only have 9 weeks to go and then I'm home again for good. And one week until I'm home again for a bit. And once it's winter I'm sure it'll get better - NYC is always SO MUCH NICER in the winter. Especially when everything gets all Christmas-y and stuff.
In other news, my mom is here for the weekend and today we went to the Empire State Building, which is something I've wanted to do for a while. Here are some pictures:
So tall!!!

Me, up at the observatory.
The view, looking uptown in Manhattan.
I have many more photos but the upload thingy is being weird so I'm gonna try posting them in a different post a little later. Anyway, I'm just really sick of New York, especially since the only person who ever e-mails me is Barack Obama. Not even facebook, since those e-mails require someone to actually contact you in some way. Anyway, good night and good luck.
1 comment:
HEY. Oh dear I am so sorry that things aren't going that well. Let's make a plan to get together... while I really don't know where everything this, we can go to some of the spots that i do know and have a splendid time.
keep that chin up. it'll get better, i'm sure of it!
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