And later I went downstairs and saw Michael Cerveris in the kitchen, so I decided to make some tea even though that wasn't what I had originally gone downstairs to do. He was microwaving his lunch, so I had to stand there and wait. He said "hey" and asked how I was, the usual pleasantries, then he told me I was lucky because usually there are a bunch of "Road Show" actors microwaving their lunches and there's a really long line. I smiled knowingly and told him I'd been there for that as well (except that the time all the "Road Show" people were waiting for the microwave, I was already there making hot chocolate so they had to wait for me). Cerveris is a very nice, oddly handsome guy and he was wearing this really nice vest with a little handkerchief-type-thing in the pocket, probably to get into character. But that was a really cool encounter as well!
Then my boss invited me to go to the lit department's book club lunch meeting. Basically, the lit department and friends gather every once in a while for lunch to discuss a play they've all read prior to the meeting. The play today was Edward Albee's "Three Tall Women," which I'd never read before, but I was able to get through almost the entire play before the meeting since Lisa let me know early enough and I read really fast. It was nice to be included in that meeting, and it also felt like a high-school English class but without the pressure, which was nice as well.
After work I went to Bloomingdale's and did a little shopping, which was better than shopping usually is for me. Also, in the shoe department the brand Cole Hahn was doing a little "party" with In Style magazine. They were handing out these little cards and according to what number the card brought up on their little card reading machine, you got a certain prize. I won a keychain (#4). Not that exciting, but whatevs. They had these guys walking around, as well, and some of them had mimosas, which is what lured me over in the first place, but somehow they had stopped serving them when I got over there, and didn't serve them again at a point where I could get one! Very disappointing. :(
Then I came home, watched some TV, and ate some Chinese food I got from takeout at this place called China Fun, which is a great place I pass on my walk from Bloomingdale's back to the apartment. 64th and 2nd. So, I guess work is getting better, but NYC still isn't really the city for me.
OH! Another thing I forgot to go in to:
This week there is a reading series at The Public that is a contest for students at the country's top playwriting grad programs. I've seen three of the readings. Tuesday was a show called "Smart Cookie," about a woman whose son gets the Spanish foreign exchange student at his exclusive boarding school pregnant. It was not a very flattering portrait of rich Upper East Side wives (aka "The Real Housewives of New York City"), but it was the winning play in this contest and it was a good little "dramedy." Then yesterday was a dark drama called "Lamp and Moth" (or maybe "Moth and Lamp" ... or "Moth to Lamp" ... no, I think I was right the first time... nevermind). It was also pretty good, not exactly my cup of tea, but good. And today was a romantic comedy about lawyers called "Fair Use." The title of this one is not only a reference to the case they're defending in the show (about whether reading another author's work and writing your own work inspired by that is plagiarism or not), it's also a joke on the fact that the show is a reworking of the "Cyrano" archetypes and plotline. It's a lesbian woman who writes love letter's to her friend's girlfriend, whom she herself is in love with. It was pretty funny. The guy who played the boyfriend looked a lot like Mr. Fromme from H-W middle school, and he was a really good actor as well. I'm a little bummed I can't see the play tomorrow, as it coincides with my covering for Jasmine's lunch break, because this reading series has been really interesting so far.
Oh well, at least I get to be a sexy secretary...
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