Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hump Day

I'm officially halfway through my internship at The Public, so I've started looking toward the end of that and I have to honestly say I'll be sad to leave.  I mean, New York is definitely not for me but I'm settling in to work and it's hard to leave after settling.

In other news, I just found out some of the doormen at my building (including the cute young one) are republicans.  The cute one mentioned that he'd seen someone he knew giving out Obama buttons, then made some disparaging remark about how "they really believe they can help things" (I was waiting for the elevator so I was around the corner from them), then said he mentioned something about McCain and his friend said "you're one of those racists, aren't you?", and then the other doorman, the young not-cute one, said, "liberals are so..." (I didn't quite hear the next word but it was either crazy or some variation of that).  I mean, the guy the cute doorman had run in to was a crazy liberal, evidenced by his unfounded accusation of racism.  However, I was a little dismayed to find that the doormen do not share my politics.

So, now I'm gonna watch Obama's half-hour infomercial and judge the quality of producer his record-shattering fundraising was able to hire.  One thing I can say about what I've seen so far (2 minutes) -- if he doesn't become President/once his two terms are up (yes, two), he can go into voice over!

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